Meet happy Eastern European women and Western men who found love and happiness at

I wanted to take a moment to thank you and Oksana. When I first contemplated joining Oksana Love I fantasized of finding true love. Never in all my dreams could l have imagined how wonderful and happy i would be with my wife and family as i find myself now!!

Everyday I live my fantasy of a true loving caring relationship and I have all of you wonderful ladies for this. So, a big thank you to Oksana and her personal interest in us to find love.

Arpad & Elina

Hi Oksana, we are married, Gulzat and I. Thanks for your service!!!!! Without your help and guidance, I wouldn't have the most amazing woman in my life. Thank you! Ned.

Оксана, добрый вечер, у нас состоялась свадьба 16 июля . У тебя очень ювелирная работа, соединять людей и их сердца, мы очень благодарны тебе !!!!
Мы нашли друг друга, благодаря тебя, твоему агентству, где ты выбирала нам пару; когда сомневались, ты была твердо уверена. Ты лучший наставник по отношениям !!!!
I met the woman of my dreams on OksanaLove.  We are engaged and will be married soon.  This is a serious matchmaking business whose female members are sincere women with traditional values; beautiful both inside and out. 
Good luck to all.Bill 

Дорогая Оксана приветствую с хорошими новостями 
Мы вчера официально поженились и сегодня получили certificate of Marriage 
Я и Bill выражаем тебе огромную благодарность за твое замечательное агентство, через которое мы нашли друг друга С уважением и любовью, Замза и Бил...

Oksana, I almost lost hope in true love before I met you. You gave me hope, you gave me a chance to finally learn what true love is. My Irina is so caring, loving, considerate and understanding. I didn't know that women like this exist until you introduced me to HER!. Thank you for not giving up on me, I know I was a "challenge".  Words will never express full gratitude I have for your help.

Shawn and Irina

Мне трудно было поверить, что настоящую любовь можно встретить после пятидесяти -  мужчину, который настолько тебя любит и умеет ценить. Я думала что таких мужчин уже не существует. Мне повезло найти человека, который о тебе заботится и «на руках носит». Оксана, спасибо за претворение моей жизни в сказку.


You and your team over delivered, i got everything I was promised and a lot more. You said all my friends will be jealous when they meet my bride, exactly what happened! 


Всей команде Оксаналав: мы очень благодарны свахам за вашу работу и долгожданное счастье, которое мы искали много лет. Мы теперь в точности знаем, что любовь с первого взгляда существует.

Эрик и Надя


I found the love of my life through Oksanalove..  I give profound thanks to Oksana & my wonderful matchmakers Olga & Tatiana.  I am convinced this is the best way to meet an eastern european bride without having to leave the US and recommend them highly!

Оксана, очень вас благодарим за то что помогли нам с Питером познакомиться и за ваш профессиональный подход и труд. Пусть в этом году будет ещё больше счастливых пар и любви Smile



It's Mark from Nashua, New Hampshire.

I was a client in 2015 and met my wife Alina, who is Latvian but was living in Cologne, Germany.



Оксана, дорогая! Привет! Спасибо тебе за твою огромную работу и заботу, о нас, твоих девченках. Мы с Дэном решили быть вместе и дальше, поэтому мы оба серьёзно настроены. Я хотела попросить тебя, пока заморозить мою анкету для остальных мужчин до моего замужества. Я желаю всем девочкам найти своего правильного мужчину. А тебе отдельное человеческое, сердечное спасибо ещё раз от меня лично.


Хочу поблагодарить Оксану, Елену,  Ирину, Татьяну и других сотрудников OksanaLove за вашу работу, внимание, индивидуальный подход, за незабываемые моменты, которые я пережила во время тура любви в Лос Анджелесе!!!


Я познакомилась со своим мужем на сайте Оксаналав. На сайте было очень много достойных мужчин, я контактировала со многими, и начала переписку с несколькими, но почему-то всё как то с ними не складывалось... Я поняла, что мне нужна помощь и я обратилась в агентство. Мне порекомендовали помощь личной свахи, которую я с удовольствием приняла. Я была полна решимости встретить свою любовь. В числе предложенных мне мужчин, был Патрик...


Огромное спасибо вам за это . Если бы не вы я бы не встретила его .  Я хочу пожелать вам процветание вашему агенству . Вы сделали многих людей счастливыми .  Так же я хочу сказать многим девочкам которые боятся  черным мужчин .  


Just dust off, shake off that negative experience and move forward. Keep knocking on those doors as one of those doors certainly will be opened by that special someone who will change your life to the best ... forever!


“I love him more than my life. He is a wonderful man and he is a great dad to Alan”.

“There has been many changes and waiting on this entire process. Sasha and I have finally gotten an interview date for the Embassy in Almaty. She flew back there in November from Dominican. We had a long wait and many hurdles to over come to get to this point. First it was..

Jack and Saule

I appreciate all the help you had given me. Saule is fantastic woman, one in a million, she is so positive, laughing all the time, she makes everything lighten up around her. I found my love and I could not be happier...


I had a very good time in the Dominican Republic. Marianna is good as gold. She was very helpful and her translation was greatly appreciated.

My girl and I connected, so now I am looking to get her a visa to move to the US. I realize it will be a lot easier if I get professional assistance in obtaining her visa. Do you have anyone that you can recommend?



Оксана – Спасибо тебе Большое за прекрасную организацию поездки в Пунта Кану!

Невозможно передать словами море положительных эмоций от моего путешествия.

Незабываемый отдых на вилле в Пунта Кане – это прекрасная возможность не только насладиться прелестями тропического рая с теплым климатом и с красивейшей природой: лазурным Карибским морем, удивительными пляжами с жемчужно-белым песком,
но главное – это возможность встретить свою настоящую любовь в атмосфере романтики.


Dear Oksana,

I spent a wonderful vacations in Punta Cana. The ladies were so kind to me and
made me felt welcomed.


Привет, Оксана!
Спасибо тебе огромное за твою работу!
Для меня было очень непросто решиться на этот шаг, но я это сделала и теперь не жалею.
Было много сомнений и переживаний: куда я еду, к кому и что меня там ждет? Но все сомнения оказались напрасными и даже смешными))

Hello, Oksana!

Thank you so much for your work!

It was very hard for me to decide to go to Punta Cana and take this very important step, but I don’t regret that I finally took it.

I had too many worries and doubts: where am I going, who am I going to and what is waiting for me there? But all my worries cam up to be non-sense and even funny :-) .....

I'm writing to let you know my thoughts about the Punta Cana trip.
Despite my initial reservations, I must say that my stay at the Villa was an amazing experience. To be in such excellent company and in such beautiful surroundings was an unexpected but very real pleasure.



Дорогая Оксана и Елена Викторовна! Огромное вам спасибо за вашу работу - дарить людям счастье! Я хочу пожелать девочкам всегда надеяться и верить в своё женское счастье....

Dear Oksana and Elena! I want to say thank you so much for all your work – to give people happiness! I want to wish all girls to always believe and hope for their true woman’s happiness …


Hello Oksana,

I got back home this morning from Punta Cana. Yes I was tired but I had such a wonderful time that I did not even mind being so tired.
Let me tell you !!! Kate is so so so wonderful.... She was so nice, helpful, sweet, caring, hard working, on an on an on..
I really enjoy my visit... The House was beautiful ,the villa was so pretty..


Привет Оксаночка, Вот мы и вернулись домой, в холодную и серую Алмату с райского места. А здесь работа, проблемы, очень не хочется. Хочется снова вернуться к вам. Здорово вспомнить, как мы отдыхали целый месяц, не думали о проблемах, а думали, как загореть покрасивее да понравиться новому мужчине, который хочет жениться. ;))


Having just returned from Punta Cana, i thought it right that i should let people know of what to expect on such a wonderful trip. I know that everybodies experience will be different but if you make the effort you will not forget the wonderful time you will have. The villa is exception with great rooms and atmosphere, the girls are as lovly as there pictures and you can be rest assured of a friendly warming welcome. The idylic setting just off the beach is just pere perfection and the people are all very welcoming throughout the resort.


Оксана, привет
Ну вот я и дома.......
Вообщем хочу написать тебе огромное спасибо, за мой отдых, за
знакомство с новыми людьми, за хорошую компанию, и отличную
Так скучаю по всем девченкам, ну и ессно по личностям мужского пола. Я
обязательно еще приеду попытать свое счастье, жаль что в этот раз мне
не хватило времени. Всем девченкам буду обязательно рекомендовать
приезжать и не бояться.


Здравствуй, Оксаночка!
Наша с Роуландом свадьба состоялась 14 ноября в UK. Очень счастливы! Спасибо тебе ещё раз за всё всё... Столько людей по всему миру вы делаете невероятно счастливыми!


Hi Oksana,

My flight back from Punta Cana was pretty good. The connection through Miami was easy and my friends delivered my car to the airport, so I was home by 12:30 in the morning even with a delay in Miami. How was your flight?

I was sad to leave such a nice group of people. Maybe I should quit my job and work for you in Punta Cana as a cabana boy ;^)


Оксана, спасибо огромное что смогла приехать на нашу с Гленом регистрацию. Было так приятно увидеть тебя и Андрея ещё раз. Спасибо тебе за всю помощь которую ты предоставила мне на протяжении всех этих лет, твоё понимание и сдержанность, ведь таких как я у тебя тысячи, а ты находишь время для каждой из нас.
Спасибо тебе ещё раз за моего мужа Глена!


Привет, Оксана!!!
Я добралась до Америки просто отлично, Сингапурские авиалинии очень удобные - мне досталось аж 3 места, так что я летела как в первом классе.
В аэропортту в Хьюстоне меня встречал Глен, со своимими дочерьми и внуками, так же его друг со своей русской женой - Татьяной. Погода здесь мне напоминает погоду в Пунта Кане, и у меня столько замечательных воспоминаний о Пунта Кане - ведь это именно место, где у нас с Гленом началась наша любовная история и наше обручение.


Оксана, привет! Мы добрались до Алматы из Пунта Каны! Пишу чтобы выразить свою благодарность вам с Еленой Викторовной за незабываемую поездку в Доминикану! Помимо массы новых впечатлений, я так же посмотрела на многие вещи с другой стороны и многое поняла, т.е. произошла переоценка ценностей!
Эта поездка дала мне многое и самое главное, это полную подготовку к правильному продолжению поиска. В следующий раз я поеду к вам "до результата" и я посоветовала бы девушкам....



I want to thank you and your agency, for your exception help on meeting and arranging our meeting for me and Oksana. I want to notify you that Oksana and me are now happily married and please see our photos.

Your organization of our date in Punta Cana was a wonderful....


Few times in my life I have encountered an organization with the commitment to service, coordination and ingrained focus in customer satisfaction as your international introduction and dating services agency. In my experience, savvy traveler with over 1 million miles flown and over 150 cities visited around the world, have no other option but to recognize your outstanding business and personal sense, (in an industry where most agencies promises and have no delivery), customizing and catering services to the most sensitive and innermost areas in our life...relationships and love.


Hi Oksana!

How are you?

I wish to thank you so much for a fantastic week on the tour in Punta Cana.

I had a great time and I so wish I could have stayed forever. Everyone was very friendly. Yelena and yourself were excellent hosts and I am extremely glad to have met you both.


Hi Oksana!!!

I would guess your back in your home state by now so I'm sending you this note. First let me thank you for the great time I had in Punta Cana. Oksana by far exceeded any and all expectations that I had about meeting someone on this trip. She is such a wonderful person inside as well as outside beauty.


Hello Oksana and Elena.

I want to thank you for all support and encouragement you provided me and my husband Marlin. Our journey to our happiness was long, 3 years, but finally we were able to meet each other to confirm that our love is for real. We are happily married now. Thank you for everything.

Alena from California


Dear Oksana,
Thank you for your email, and I hope you are safe and well.

Oksana, I really want to thank you for all the help and attention you'd
given me in the past, and I hope I will see you in Almaty someday!


Hello Oksana,

This is Robert Harmon and I need to know how to change my profile to engaged. As you know me and Galina are engaged. Thanks for a wonderful time and for putting me in contact with this wonderful woman. I could never be more happier.


Hello Everybody,

Things are just perfect. I been married to my Russian wife for 5 years. I would recommend going for it. You really have nothing to lose and these women are beautiful, intelligent, family oriented and very caring and considerate to their man.

Oksana and her team will help you every step of the way and honestly I checked out other sites before and none of them offered such personalized service. They are very friendly and will go way beyond your expectations.

They know all the girls personally and will surely help you to find a good match for you. I love my Yulia very much and we are very happy. It did not take me long to find someone who I connected with.

I promise you that if you take the chance you will not be disappointed by Oksana and her team and you will find the woman of your dreams.

 Also Oksana has these wonderful trips to Punta Cana she does and invites whatever girl or girls you choose to join you there for a fun filled tropical vacation. What a great place to meet and possible fall in love.

Best of luck everybody.



Hello every skeptical man out there.
First and foremost, I had a wonderful trip to Kazakhstan. Almaty is a very hospitable city and I think you will enjoy it. The people are very genuine and kind. I would highly recommend OksanaLove agency. Ironically, I am preparing to attend another function sponsored by Oksana Boichenko, the owner of OksanaLove; a getaway to the Dominican Republican where she is ...

Dear Oksana !

First of all I want to thank you 1000 times for helping me to find my "second half". Yes, I joined your tour in February 2006 and found my "second half" on my first day that I arrived in Almaty.




Оксана, привет дорогуша!!! Спасибо тебе огромноеза организацию поездки в Пунта Кану! Отдохнули мы конечно супер, мне здесь пол страны завидуют....уже две мои подружайки зарегистрировались

Hello Oxana,
To let you know. Elena and I are now engaged.
I did not have much time left to file for a marriage license in Almaty.
A trip to Almaty was wonderful. Without your help could not possible to meet with Elena. ....


Thank you for all your help to meet my Lyudmila!

The trip back to USA was fine, although I got stuck in the Chicago airport for
awhile due to bad weather which was of course no fun. And of course I
really enjoyed my trip there. ...


спасибо огромное Оксана за такой классный отдых!!!! Пунта Кана настолько романтичное место, и просто идеальное место для встречи со своей любовью.....

Thank you very much Oksana for such a wonderful vacation!!! Punta Cana is such a romantic place, and just an ideal place for meeting your love of your life....

Dear Elena and Oksana
I am so grateful for meeting Valeriya through your agency.  She is the sweetest, most wonderful lady I have ever met.  We hit it off right away.  She is also very smart along with being very beautiful.  I very much appreciate your agency for helping me meet Valeriya.  I am a very lucky person for it!  Thank you so very much,  


Привет, Оксана!

спасибо тебе огромное за поездку, ты - умничка! Такая замечательная организация и столько позитивных эмоции!......

Hello, Oksana.

Thank you for very much for a trip – you just super! Such a wonderful organization and so much positive emotions!.......


Привет Оксана!
Долетели до Киева весело. Я в Париже в самолете пролила на свои бежевые
брюки красное вино. Потом в Киеве выяснили, что 5 из 7 наших чемонадов в
Париже перегрузить не успели. Эти два события стали поводом для приколов


Hello Oksana,

Thank you for your help and for such a wonderful site. I know I have found my dream girl, all that’s left is the date to seal the deal!!! ha ha

Your team rocks Oksana, all


Oksana! Ya tol’ko chto vernulas’ domoi iz Punta Cani. Bolshoe tebe spasibo i ogromnii rahmet za to chto tak klasno organizovala poesdky v Dominikany. Osobenaya blagodarnost za moego Glena :-). Eto voobshe unikalnaya lichnost!On mne segodnya zvonil i skazal o tom chto skuchaet. Konechno ety dni bili nezabivaemie v nashey jizni! Spasibo tebe esho ras Oksanochka!


Hi Everyone
I made it back home.
I wanted to let everyone know I had a great time spending the past 6 days with all of you, I will now rest and try to recover. My stomach is sore from laughing. Thank you for this great experience, Oksana.

I think every guy needs to go to Punta Cana to meet his Russian fiancee vs. traveling all the way to Russia. This is a man with experience talking who had done both.

Veronika has now immigrated to Australia.

I just wanted to write a testimonial for Oksana Boichenko of and

When I had decided to look for a relationship abroad, I did some research to try to determine which of the many sites would be best to use. I chose Oksana’s website after speaking with her and noticing the extra care and concern she seemed to have in matching people up with someone who would truly make them happy. It appeared she did this not only as a job but because she genuinely wanted to help people find true love. I knew the qualities I was looking for and relayed them to Oksana. She worked diligently to find someone who matched everything that I was looking for.

First of all, I want all readers of this testimonial to know that I volunteered to write it. I'm just a middle class guy, not a public relations pro or promoter. My words come from my heart and experiences in Punta Cana and nothing else. I believe in giving credit where it's due and I also want others to possibly experience the happiness that I did in one short week.
Somehow one Sunday afternoon, I found my way onto Oksana's website and within 5 minutes found my soul mate. I know how that sounds because I'm as big a skeptic as anyone but as heaven is my witness, that's what happened.
Я очень счастлива!!!

Два года назад я попала на сайт «Oksana Love». Как и все мечтала о достойном мужчине.

После первого неудачного знакомства я отказалась писать другим мужчинам и совсем перестала заходить    сайт.

Мне 46 лет – я уже ни во что не верила! Решила посвятить себя сыну, его будущей семье.

Thanks for the hospitality and flexibility of the program you offer in Punta Cana. After a few months of communication and two last minute flights to see irina, I met a true love. Irina and I were offered a great atmosphere to concentrate on each other and fall in love. The villa, location, and care that you and your staff provide are top notch.
Hello Oksana!
I just wanted to thank you and your Mom again for such a wonderful vacation and the chance to meet the love of my life. I knew that after the two months of corresponding with my lady that once I met her it was meant to be. Thank you for providing the absolute best atmosphere in the spectacular villa you have now!!
I will admit that at first I was a bit sceptical regarding the possibility that I could meet my "dream girl" on this website. Although, this was my thinking at the time I went ahead and flew to Punta Cana.
Hello, Oksana
Having just returned from Punta Cana, i thought it right that i should let people know of what to expect on such a wonderful trip. I know that everybodies experience will be different but if you make the effort you will not forget the wonderful time you will have. The villa is exception with great rooms and atmosphere, the girls are as lovly as there pictures and you can be rest assured of a friendly warming welcome. The idylic setting just off the beach is just pere perfection and the people are all very welcoming throughout the resort.

hi oksana,

i am truly thankful that i found your web site and so very very much grateful for you and making my dreams come true. i know me and irina have so much still to do as documents , but i told you before i feel this is it , meaning i found my love and i feel irina found hers too ! all of this is because of you...that is why i gave you that painting of the clown, that paintings meaning is you care for people and helping them find each other, fall in love, and become a married couple. the center of the painting is YOU(the clown) and all the balloons are all the lifes you care for, that you take each balloon(a woman) and bring another balloon(a man) and bring them together to find each other better with the hope of a future. many colors are many kinds of personalities.

oksana you should be proud of what your doing and i know it is a wonderful thing of you, such a big heart, caring person, and doing randon acts of kindness...thank you !!


Hi Oksana,

My flight back from Punta Ca was pretty good. The connection through Miami was easy and my friends delivered my car to the airport, so I was home by 12:30 in the morning even with a delay in Miami. How was your flight?

I was sad to leave such a nice group of people. Maybe I should quit my job and work for you in Punta Cana as a cabana boy ;^)

My previous relationship was a 17 year engagement – that’s correct – 17 year engagement. I do not have an explanation for why we never married – we just didn’t. That relationship ended in September of 2008. Shortly after the split I posted a profile on Yahoo Personals – essentially on whim. Shortly after that I received a letter from a somewhat attractive “lady” named Lana. Long story short Lana was suppose to be from Philadelphia PA but her emails were being sent from Lugansk, Ukraine. Luckily I realized this was a scam/set up before I got scammed – I started doing research on internet dating scams and quickly found this article ( )by Oksana Boichenko which ultimate lead me to her site
Hello Oksana, Thank you for your great arrangement with Mr.Lex on your successful dating site of the most beautiful ladies. I am pleased to inform you that I am going to leave Lugansk now for his place in USA as soon as possible as I am so deep in love with this man of my dream and just when I thought I'd never love again......
Thanks Oksana. Well the trip went very very well! Definitely no more questions or worries! Mira said yes to my proposal and is my "nevesta" :)...

I have found the woman of my dreams. I am engaged to Svetlana ID# 3120. This is the greatest site in the world. Thank you Oksana.

Hi Oksana, Via this letter I want to thank you very much for the excellent trip to Punta Cana and I want to advice all men to book the trip to Punta Cana fast. At first I thougth it would be better to meet the woman in her own city, however I have to admit that you are right that it is much better to meet her on a neutral territory like Punta Cana. It is a beautiful place and it allows everybody to relax, away from the home stress and daily life. The only adrinaline rush I had was the excitment to see the woman I wanted to meet :-)....

Thank you for Everything for making my dreams come true. We got married on June 14!!!


Hello Dear friends at Oksanalove Agency, I was really shocked to see you on the black list of the guy so called Jim. I want to tell you about my trips to Almaty and my time with the Agency. My first trip was in May 2007. I was a little nerveous.but I was meet at the airport by a man called Dima. A very good man and at my service the whole time I was in Almaty.

Hello Oksana, I wanted to thank you personally for all your help and encouragement with the tour. It was the first time I had ever done something like this and I really enjoyed meeting you and the ladies in Punta Cana. The other guys as well....

We did it! Woo hoo!! Thought you might want some pics!! Thanks for everything. DJ & Yuliya Got married 06.04.08

Hi Oksana I am back at home, back to the grind of life. I had a fantastic trip, I am still on cloud 9, I have never felt this happiness, that is in my heart right now. It was worth every penny, because I have found what I was looking for....

Hello Oksana, we would like to thank you for giving us the opportunity to meet and fall in love, it has been a wonderous year and we look forward to the adventure which is our lives together, continue with your good work and we send you our best regards, Reza and Olga

Russian women in Dominican Republic




Oksana, I would like to personally thank you for sending me to your office in Lugansk for help with my previous trip to Ukraine. Maria was very professional and very attentive to all the support details of my trip. I never felt out of touch the whole time I was there, I knew if I needed directions, advice, taxi, reservations or anything that Maria was right there to help……Alex her driver was very helpful and knowledgeable……they made me feel welcome and like family, it was one of the best travel experiences I’ve ever had....
Hello Maria and Oksana, Where do I start ? Both you and Maria have restored my faith in humanity, and I can never thank you enough. As you know, my confidence in actually meeting a real, genuine person in Ukraine was severely dented, and to be honest, until I met you I was still not sure. I know I have thanked you a hundred times, for everything you have done for me, but I will thank you a hundred times more. ...

Dear,I say dear because your whole staff who helped me are very dear to my heart, the Almaty people, Radik, Elena and of course Oksana herself from the mighty state of Oregon. ? I want to tell you how wonderful your agency is. You personally know every girl and that is a huge help. Radikand I have become very good friends since the start of my relationship with your agency. All your team has worked hard with me in my search to find true love. Who knew it would be half a world away? ? Amazing is the word I would say about you and your team. When I started with youragency in June of 2007 I was very skeptical but that quickly faded.

kazakhstan wise asel
Part Number 2. Asel and Dan Ray Hello, Dear Katherine. How are you doing? What’s new? Everything is just very, very, very wonderful with me!!! I am very happy with Dan. Everything is so great here!!!...
Russian Bride couple - Tom and Natalia
Dear: Oksana and Staff! As you all know my trip was more then a success. I have found that special lady that I have truly been looking for all my life. She is wonderful. I would like to help others find such happiness. Chances are if someone has decided to read this they have been through the same old dating sights at home......

Dear Oksana,I just wanted to write you an email to thank you very much for agency. You and your mom have done an incredible job with the whole thing. I had a great time! Your mom is so sweet and she is the best. I really like her a lot. She really does seem like she has the best in mind for everyone involved. The whole staff was great!

Russian bride oksanalove happy couple
Oxana & Elena: I wanted to thank you for all the help you gave me in finding Tanya. Even though I had been to Russia several times, and had used the help of different agencies, the help you provided was the most professional, the most sincere, and most complete of any agency I have experienced. Your agency has hundreds of sincere, beautiful ladies, who are truly looking for a special man in their life. Overall I think I wrote 15-20 ladies in your agency, and wrote five for an extended period of time, in three different cities (Almaty, Lugansk, and Karaganda). You were honest with me about each lady’s interest in me and seriousness about finding a man to marry. I think any of these ladies would have made a wonderful wife. You even recommended several ladies, all who were beautiful, intriguing, and interesting as well...
Hello, everybody. Thank you and your people (Natalya, Luda, and your mother) Natalya's brother Damitri really helped me during my trip......
Russian Bride
Dear Oksana: Nine trips, several other agencies with countless introductions never got me the results I was seeking. I only wish I had found your agency sooner. Olga and I each think we have found a “one in a million” partner. We both thank you and Elena for the excellent assistance in helping us discover each other. John C. San Francisco...
Brian and Irina

Dear Oxana,Thank you for all that you have done to get me and Irina together. I have never met a more helpful and caring organization. You and your agency have helped me in every step of the way.

Dear Oksana: Past November 11th, in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic,Ms Tamara Piven(2688) and myself became engaged!...
Oksana, Please remove the profiles of Marina and myself from your web site. We are happily married. Thank you very much for your assistance in helping get us together. Gary and Marina Odom...
Oxana I would like to thank you for a very enjoyable week. Your staff was very helpful and friendly. They are simply the best. You made me feel very special and was always willing to assist me with any of the ladies I had expressed an interest. Friday's banquet is something I'll always remember. I will highly recommend your agency to all of my single friends and attest to the quality, sincerity and friendliness of the ladies associated with your agency. Obviously, the days and weeks ahead, I have some decisions to make. Another trip to Almaty is not out of the realm of possibilities. Thanks again for a very memorable week. With best regards, Kenneth M. Davis, Keller, TX....
Hello Oxana and Erich, I'll write both of you so read this to Erich also. Well, i'm back and i had a great time!! I nearly had a disaster but your mother and Sabina and Luva (i always mess up her name) came to the rescue and i did end up proposing to a lovely woman named Julia. When i got there and met with my main correspondence, Yana, she met me at the airport and we went out again Sat. and Sunday nights...
Dear Oxana, First Of all I want to say thank you, and your mom and Natasha and everyone at the agency for being so supportive and helpful with all the right advices, not only before start of the trip, but during my stay in Almaty in the hotel, and finally and fatefully, the moments leading up to the marriage of my beautiful wife Olesya...
Dear Oxana. As you probably know, I have just returned from my fantastic sojourn to Kazakhstan. Meeting with Irina, was much more than I could ever have hoped for, she is such a wonderful and special lady. Artem is also a fine boy, and is a credit to his mother. I am pleased to say that Irina agreed to be my wife...
Hi Oksana. Everything is going well. I did not end up with whom I was writitng to. However, I did meet a young woman who is now my wife. I guess you were right. Keep all options open. She was the first women I met at the social. Even though we can not speak each others languages we comunicate very well. Sometime very difficult, but we manage...
Although I've never really been a client of Oksanalove Agency, I've still had the pleasure of having close relations to the agency and the people working there. It might seem strange that I'm writing about Oksanalove when I haven't been a client. Still I have a lot to thank the agency and especially Elena and Natalia for...
My name is William Swartout and I live near Jacksonville, FLorida. I went on the August Tour to Kazahkstan. I would like to tell you and everyone else how interesting and exciting the adventure (It is not a Trip but an adventure)...
Gentlemen, It is with great pride and awesome responsibility that I must regrettably inform you that the most beautiful woman in Kazakhstan has become married. My most beautiful wife, Marina. That's right folks, another beautiful woman from Oksanalove Agency has been paired with an eligible man...
I wanted to write to you and take the opportunity to thank everyone at Oksanalove for helping me to meet Altynai, my lovely new bride. Although my first visit to Almaty in February of this year had a rather rocky start; I was very fortunate to be given an opportunity through Oksanalove to meet Altynai near the end of my trip and quickly realized how special a person she was...
Dear Oksana just to send you a few minutes of our time First of all my wife and i want to thank you for what you have done for us and for bringing us together in marriage to each other...
The day I joined the agency was what I would call fate, I was writing to this beutiful woman and this carried on for 6 months within this time I had tried to go to Almaty on my own devices...
"DEAR OKSANALOVE STAFF" I just wanted to take a moment to say THANK YOU on a more personal level for "SAYING WHAT YOU MEAN AND MEANING WHAT YOU SAY" your INTEGRITY is refreshing...
Highest Praise for OksanaLove Agency! I just returned from a 9-day trip to Almaty, Kazakhstan, where I used the services of the OksanaLove Agency, and I have to pass along my highest praise for this fine organization and its people...
Dear, Oksanalove. I would like to say: I finally have my fairy tale ending! I am married to a beautiful, smart, charming women with a great sense of humor! She loves me and I love her! As some have said before, we are riding off into the sunset together... At least until there is an addition to the family! SMILE!...
Richard and Dina
Words cannot express the happiness you have brought to Dina and me. We are very much alike even though we are from the oppsite sides of the world. They say matches are made in heaven, but ours was made on the internet with
Maria & Brent Addams
We want to thank you for helping us find each other and true love. We got marry on April 19th, 2003. Thank you very much and we are wishing everybody to find their true love and real happiness as well....
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